Lieutenant General, FAR Inspector General Holds Talks with Belgium’s Chief of Defense


Rabat – On High Instructions of His Majesty the King, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, the Lieutenant General, Inspector General of FAR and Commander of the South Zone, received, Monday at the headquarters of FAR General Staff, Admiral Michel HOFMAN, Belgium’s Chief of Defense, on an official visit to the Kingdom on February 5-6.

Discussions between the FAR Inspector General and the Belgian Chief of Defense focused on military cooperation between the FAR and the Belgian army, as part of a solid partnership between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Kingdom of Belgium that continues to grow and evolve, according to a statement by FAR General Staff.

The two officials also commended the results of this cooperation, particularly in the fields of training and exercises, and expressed their willingness to work to promote it further in order to meet common challenges.

Military relations between Morocco and Belgium are governed by a cooperation agreement signed in 1992 and a tec
hnical arrangement signed in 1998. They cover training, exchanges of experience and expertise, and exercises, in addition to military heritage and history.

Each year, the Joint Military Commission, which alternates between Rabat and Brussels, reviews annual cooperation activities and sets the program for the coming year.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse