Lieutenant General, FAR Inspector General Holds Talks with Gambian Chief of Defense Staff


Rabat – On High Instructions of His Majesty the King, Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, the Lieutenant General, Inspector General of FAR and Commander of the South Zone, received, Monday at the headquarters of FAR General Staff, Major General Mamat OA CHAM, Chief of Defense Staff of the Gambia, who is on an official visit to the Kingdom on February 4-9.

During the meeting, FAR Inspector General and the Gambian Chief of Defense Staff discussed the various aspects of cooperation between FAR and the Gambian army, in particular training and the exchange of experience, according to a statement by FAR General Staff.

While praising the level reached by relations between the two countries, the two officials also discussed ways of strengthening this cooperation and extending it to other areas of common interest, notably the organization of and participation in military exercises, the same source added.

Marked by mutual trust and respect, bilateral relations between Morocco and
the Gambia are getting stronger, notably since the visit of His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, to the Gambia in 2006, and more recently with the signing of several cooperation agreements in the city of Dakhla, the statement concluded.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse