Lower House Speaker Calls for Renewed Trust in Partnership Amid Challenges in Euro-Mediterranean Region


The House of Representatives Speaker, Rachid Talbi El Alami, urged on Friday in Rabat for a renewed trust in partnerships to address both current and longstanding challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

“It is crucial to rebuild trust in our partnerships to tackle the issues raised by the current circumstances and the enduring challenges confronting our Euro-Mediterranean region,” he stated during the opening of the 17th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM).

Regarding the Middle East conflict, El Alami emphasized that the plight of the Palestinian people remains central to instability in the region. “In addressing this conflict, we must address its root cause, which is ending the occupation of Palestinian territories and enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their right to independence and the establishment of their independent state on their national territory: a sovereign and viable state, living in peace and coexistence with the rest of the states
in the region,” he stressed.

He emphasized the need to remember that until the issues in the Middle East are resolved based on justice and international law, “our Euro-Mediterranean region will continue to suffer from instability, conflict, and chaos.”

El Alami highlighted that the region faces challenges such as extremism and terrorism, which thrive in chaotic, impoverished, and institutionally deficient environments. “While it is necessary to continue to adopt the security response to the organizers, financiers and perpetrators of terrorist projects, it is nevertheless essential to dry up the sources of terrorism and eliminate the environment that fosters it, while continuing to consolidate freedoms, democracy and human rights, and to spread a culture of coexistence”, he observed.

These challenges, along with others both within and beyond the Euro-Mediterranean area, have led to a significant increase in irregular migration, asylum-seeking, and displacement, resulting in numerous human tragedies, El Alam
i emphasized.

He pointed out that “while migration in the Mediterranean basin has historically enriched our societies, fostering cultural exchange and convergence, it has unfortunately become associated with conflict, racism, discrimination, and the stigmatization of others, fueled by the media of misinformation.”

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse