
Under the patronage of the Chairman of the Episcopal Committee for Media, Bishop Antoine Nabil El-Andary, a seminar titled “The Role of Media in Safeguarding Civil Peace and National Unity” was held on Monday at the Catholic Center for Media in Jal El-Dib. The event witnessed the participation of Caretaker Information Minister, Ziad Makary, President of the National Media Council, Abdel Hadi Mahfouz, President of the Editors Syndicate, Joseph El-Kosseifi, and other senior officials and dignitaries.

In his address, Minister Makary expressed gratitude to the Catholic Center for Media for its national initiatives and efforts towards openness in a country undergoing its most challenging circumstances in all aspects: social, political, security, and constitutional. He emphasized the crucial role of the media in keeping pace with the ongoing developments.

“The media reflects reality; if the situation is good, it reflects beauty, and if it’s grim, it reflects ugliness and danger. Unfortunately, much of the media t
ends towards negativity, as a significant portion of it is commercial and seeks viewership and sensation,’ Makary said, reaffirming commitment to media freedom in Lebanon, considering it the nation’s most precious asset.

Moreover, Makary underscored the need for a new media law that grants more freedom to the press and media, reduces repression, and separates social interaction from media institutions. He mentioned ongoing discussions within a parliamentary subcommittee to draft a law aligned with international standards and technological advancements, aiming to expedite its enactment.

Highlighting the Ministry of Information’s role as a refuge for journalists and a platform to address issues, Makary referenced collaborations with Western entities focused on media protection. He announced an upcoming conference with ARCOM, a French media regulatory authority, to exchange insights on European developments vis-à-vis Lebanon.

In addressing national reconciliation and civil peace, Makary emphasized the central
ity of statehood and the need for citizens to embrace the state’s project. He advocated for bridging the gap between youth and the state, urging a collective commitment to strengthen and protect the state, the ultimate guarantor of Lebanese unity and stability.

In conclusion, Makary asserted that genuine peace rests on the presence of a strong, secular, just, and civil state that prioritizes citizens’ welfare. He emphasized the imperative for collective projects underpinned by a common destiny, affirming that only through such endeavors can Lebanese find unity and peace.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon