Marrakech: British Man Arrested for Forgery and Identity TheftINTENSIVE ENEMY FLIGHTS OVER BEIRUT’S SUBURBS, MOUNT LEBANON


Rabat – Officers of the Marrakech Prefectural Judicial Police Service arrested a British national on Sunday for his alleged involvement in a case of forgery and identity theft to evade an international search warrant issued against him by the British judiciary, according to a security source.

The arrest of the 32-year-old suspect was part of an exchange of information between Moroccan security authorities and their British counterparts, as he was the subject of a red notice issued by Interpol at the request of British judicial authorities in a criminal case linked to drug trafficking, money laundering and possession of a firearm.

Investigations carried out by the police services led to the location and arrest of the suspect in Marrakech, adds the same source, saying that he was using false foreign identity documents and had entered the country illegally.

The suspect was taken into custody for the purposes of the judicial investigation ordered by the Marrakech Public Prosecutor’s Office, in parallel with t
he application of the extradition procedure which is being implemented in accordance with the legal provisions governing international cooperation procedures in the judicial field.

Source:Agency Morocaine De Presse

National News Agency correspondent reported that Israeli enemy warplanes were flying densely over Beirut’s suburbs and Mount Lebanon region this evening.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon