Minister of Social Development and Family Inaugurates Exhibition on Family Cohesion


Doha: May 14 – HE Minister of Social Development and Family Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser Al Misned, inaugurated today the first artistic awareness exhibition to promote family cohesion titled Al Malath, launched as part of an initiative by the Family Counseling Center (Wifaq), one of the centers of the Qatar Foundation for Social Work.

The exhibition, held in collaboration with Fire Station artists in residence program and the Public Art Department at Katara, aims to employ art and creativity in an innovative way for community awareness on the importance of family cohesion and raising awareness about the consequences of divorce on families, especially children. Additionally, it seeks to draw attention to the value of positive interaction within families to ensure the successful upbringing and care of children, thereby achieving one of the outcomes of Qatar’s Third National Development Strategy (2024-2030) towards a cohesive society and the preservation of strong family ties.

The exhibition features more than 80 artistic works created by a group of Qatari and resident artists who contributed to translating and embodying the concept and objectives of Al Malath through paintings, sculptures, and installations that emphasize the importance of family as a sanctuary for individuals and a key to tranquility and peace in the present and future for individuals, families, and communities.

Source: Qatar News Agency