Minister of State for International Cooperation: Women and Children of Palestine an Icon of Steadfastness and Strength in the World


Doha: HE Minister of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater participated in the “Women for Palestine” conference, which was held in Doha today, under the theme ‘Safety is my right’.

In a speech before the conference, Her Excellency affirmed that safety is a legitimate right for every human being, a right that religions have established and guaranteed by laws and regulations, adding that the message of the conference to the women and children of Palestine is that, with their patience, they have become an icon of steadfastness and strength in the entire world. Their patience and steadfastness led to a global awakening that extended from east to west, an awakening that goes beyond the boundaries of the Palestine question to a real accountability and a radical review of the prevailing Western civilizational model with all its concepts about freedom, equality, women’s liberation and progress, she said. “Therefore, women, men and children of Palestine,
we say that all of us and humanity owe you a lot.” Her Excellency said that there is much talk about the Palestinian woman, the Arab woman and the Muslim woman, but most of it is a talk in the name of women… a talk about women… and a talk commenting on the topic of women. So everyone tries to be women’s messenger and voice, but no one has appointed them as guardians of their issues and saviors of them from the darkness.

Addressing the participants of the conference, HE the Minister of State for International Cooperation highlighted the importance of such efforts, meetings and activities in which Arab and Muslim women speak for themselves, starting from a solid civilizational foundation that establishes an authentic intellectual approach. Finding such authentic, active and advocating voice that defends the nations issues in every field requires encouragement, knowledge acquisition, and daring to seek the right, Her Excellency said.

Her Excellency noted that Palestinian women inherited their courage, fait
h, strength and patience from the ancient history of their nation. They are female leaders and role models who were famous for their loyalty, strength of character, and solidity of stance, and who contributed, along with their brothers, to spreading the message and building the Arab and Islamic civilization.

The Nakba of 1948 and subsequent massacres and ethnic cleansing of the people of Palestine entrenched in the mind and conscience of Palestinian women all the meanings of steadfastness and resistance.

In the current aggression against Gaza, women’s steadfastness and patience are embodied in its greatest manifestations. This doctor, Amira Al Assouli – one of thousands of brave Palestinian women – defies death and the bullets of the Israeli occupation to save an injured young man in front of the gate of the Nasser Medical Complex.

HE the Minister of State for International Cooperation renewed the State of Qatar’s firm commitment to supporting the brotherly Palestinian people until they achieve all their l
egitimate rights, especially the right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, noting that Qatar is continuing its diplomatic and mediation efforts in order to stop the aggression and its disastrous effects.

HE Minister of State for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater said that one of the key tasks of the conference was to find ways and mechanisms at the humanitarian, legal, academic and media levels to stop genocide and protect civilians in Gaza, stressing that this issue requires urgent and multidisciplinary action to stop the serious human rights violations to which the people of Gaza are exposed, and to adopt plans to intensify media campaigns so that international public opinion can play its role in pressuring to stop the aggression, expressing confidence that the conference will come out with recommendations and other creative solutions to support the people of Palestine and the w
omen of Palestine.

Source: Qatar News Agency