MoI Calls for Adherence to Safety Requirements in Sea, Swimming Pools


The Ministry of Interior (MoI) called on all Qatar’s citizens and residents to follow all safety procedures and requirements when visiting the sea, beach and pools in order to avoid any unfortunate accidents. The ministry stressed that its making every effort to ensure the safety of all sea and beach goers in the country.

In a statement Wednesday, MoI said its specialized departments are making great efforts to provide protection and prevention for swimmers through a set of preventive measures to achieve the highest levels of safety, noting that self-commitment, awareness and adhering to MoI’s efforts, are all crucial factors in saving lives and property.

The Ministry stated that the General Directorate of Coasts and Borders Security is focused on achieving safety for all sea goers by conducting marine and coastal patrols to secure the sea coast and areas of jurisdiction all day round.

Additional patrols during weekends, public holidays, Eid and events will also be conducted, according to the Ministry. Search and rescue teams will be deployed on all beaches during those days to deal with any cases, as well as to implement the requirements of safety means.

The Ministry of Interior stressed that swimming in the prohibited areas, swimming near water currents and not following the instructions are the most common mistakes sea and beach goers make and lead to serious accidents.

The General Directorate of Coasts and Borders Security has set some requirements; swimming in the designated places for beach swimming, not moving away from the coast, not swimming alone, avoid swimming in the event of weather fluctuations, not swimming in the event of tiredness or high body temperature, and staying away from areas of water currents.

The Ministry of Interior advises jet ski drivers to fully adhere to safety requirements to ensure their safety, including registering vehicles with the competent authorities, adhering to the legal age when driving jet skis (18 years and above), wearing a life jacket when driving, not disturbing sea and beach visitors, wearing the bicycle key on the wrist and not to drive near swimming areas. The Ministry also warns jet ski drivers to not drive in a showy and reckless manner to avoid accidents and to not load the jet ski beyond its carrying capacity.

Requirements for marine craft was also affirmed by the Ministry, including the need to know the weather forecast before sailing, and to ensure the presence of safety tools (a life-jacket for each passenger and first aid kits), and the registration of marine craft when sailing.

The Ministry furthermore emphasized the need to operate the automatic tracking device, operate all navigational devices and lights when sailing, and the importance of adhering to the territorial borders of Qatar.

In regard to swimming pools, the Ministry addressed general requirements including providing signs of an indicative board for swimming pools in Arabic and English, signs showing the depth of the pool, the appropriate age groups for swimming, and signs explaining the prohibition of jumping in undesignated places. As well as ensuring a sufficient number of lifebuoys and first aid equipment in clear and visible places. And making sure that the edges of the pool and stairs inside the pool are non-slip.

The Ministry of Interior demanded that all transformers and electrical switches be in safe areas and away from water. And appropriate lighting must be provided for swimming pools, as well as back-up lighting in the event of a power outage. In addition to separating electrical equipment from the pool and having a barrier between them with a distance of not less than five feet.

As for hotel and sports institutions and facilities, the Ministry stressed the need to commit to providing supervisors and rescue teams, and asked parents to follow up on their children and not leave them without supervision.

Source: Qatar News Agency