Moroccan Sahara: Israel’s Recognition Confirms Morocco HM the King’s Far-Sighted Policy – Guelmim Commune President


Israel’s decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara confirms the wisdom and far-sighted policy of HM King Mohammed VI, said Hassan Talbi, president of the Guelmim Municipal Council.

This decision provides an opportunity to strengthen relations between the Kingdom and Israel and promote bilateral cooperation at the political and economic levels,” he said in a statement to the press.

This recognition confirms that Morocco will remain in its Sahara and the Sahara will remain in its Morocco,” he continued, adding that the sons of the southern provinces are proud of their Moroccan identity and are constantly mobilized behind HM the King.

A statement issued by the Royal Office announced earlier in the day that His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God be his witness, had received a letter from the Prime Minister of the State of Israel, His Excellency Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, in which the Head of the Israeli Government brought to the attention of His Majesty the King the decision of the State of Israel “to recognize the sovereignty of Morocco over the territory of Western Sahara.”

In this regard, the Israeli Prime Minister stated that his country’s position “will be reflected in all relevant acts and documents of the Israeli Government.”

He also emphasized that the decision “will be communicated to the United Nations, to regional and international organizations of which Israel is a member, and to all countries with which Israel maintains diplomatic relations.”

In his letter to the Sovereign, the Israeli Prime Minister informed him that Israel is positively considering “the opening of a consulate in the city of Dakhla” as part of the implementation of this State decision.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse