Morocco, Equatorial Guinea Set to Promote Agricultural Cooperation


Rabat – Strengthening agricultural cooperation took center stage during talks, here Monday, between Morocco’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki, and his Equatorial Guinean peer, Jose Juan Ndong Tom Mekina.

During these talks, the two parties discussed ways to enhance bilateral cooperation in agriculture, irrigation, food security, and agronomic research.

Sadiki expressed satisfaction with the excellent relations between the two friendly countries, underlining that the meeting provided an opportunity to examine measures to further promote bilateral relations and provide necessary support for the agricultural sector.

“We are also planning to sign an agreement, next April, in the fields of agriculture, irrigation and food security, to transfer the best practices of the Generation Green strategy to this sister country,” he added.

Discussions also tackled the organization of the 33rd session of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (
FAO) Regional Conference for Africa in Morocco, which aims to share experiences, explore innovative solutions and build strong partnerships for more efficient and resilient agri-food systems.

Mekina emphasized the importance of this meeting as part of the preparations for the FAO Regional Conference for Africa in Morocco, which Equatorial Guinea will chair on April 11-14, 2022.

He also underscored the significance of promoting bilateral agricultural relations between the two countries, considering the specific challenges posed by climate change and geopolitical crises.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse