Morocco Hands PA-UfM Presidency Over to Spain


Spain assumed the rotating presidency of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM) on Friday, taking over from Morocco for a one-year term.

The transition of the PA-UfM presidency to Spain occurred at the conclusion of the Assembly’s 17th plenary session, attended by parliamentarians from over 42 member countries of the UfM.

During the handover, Francina Armengol, President of the Congress of Deputies of the Kingdom of Spain and Vice-President of the PA-UfM, commended Morocco’s efforts during its presidency and for hosting the 17th session.

She also addressed several challenges confronting the Euro-Mediterranean region, emphasizing the imperative of fostering peace, narrowing economic disparities between the North and South, combating climate change, and improving migration management.

Armengol highlighted Spain’s commitment to continuing collaboration with Morocco on ensuring regular, orderly, and safe migration. She noted that Spain, like Morocco, would share its expertise
in this area with all Euro-Mediterranean countries, aiming to promote justice, economic prosperity, and social cohesion in the region.

The session’s agenda included the presentation and adoption of recommendations and proposals from the Assembly’s Committees and Working Group on Procedures and Finances, along with the adoption of committee reports and recommendations.

The meetings also offered an opportunity to assess the Mediterranean region’s situation and discuss the Assembly’s role in 21st-century Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse