Morocco Should Occupy ‘Leading Position’ in European Policy for Mediterranean – Italian Official


Morocco should occupy “the leading position” in European policy for the Mediterranean, Romano Prodi, former President of the Council of Ministers of Italy and former President of the European Commission, said on Monday.

Morocco “is not only a country of great culture and size but also a country whose march towards modernity is dizzying, whether in scientific or economic research,” he told MAP.

It is also a country that “stands out thanks to its great internal stability and continuity, unlike other countries,” he pointed out, noting that “it is in our interest to have Morocco even closer to Europe.”

Prodi was taking part in the launch, in Rome, of a new master’s degree in “European Union Studies: Cultures and History, Policies, and Global Perspectives” by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

The event provided an opportunity to discuss the various challenges facing the Mediterranean and examine ways to strengthen cooperation between the EU and the countries of the region.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse