Morocco: Significant Rise in Above-Normal Temperatures from Friday to Tuesday


Temperatures in Morocco are set to rise significantly, exceeding the monthly normal by 5 to 8 degrees, as a mass of dry, hot air moves up from the South towards the Kingdom, said the Directorate General of Meteorology (DGM).

The heat wave, which will begin on Friday June 23 and last until Tuesday June 27, will affect most of the country, in particular the regions of Saiss, Loukkos, Gharb, Rif, the phosphate and Oulmes plateaus, the plains of Tadla, Al Haouz, Rehamna, Tensift, the South-East, Souss and the southern provinces, the DGM said in a statement.

From the weekend onwards, the heat wave will also reach the coasts and the northern and central Atlantic plains, added the same source.

Maximum temperatures are expected to range from 40 to 45 degrees in the interior plains, South and South-East of the country, and from 37 to 42 degrees in the Loukkos, Gharb, Chaouia, Abda, Chiadma and Central Atlantic coasts.

Temperatures will fluctuate between 34 and 37 degrees on the northern Atlantic coasts, the statement said, adding that these values could be exceeded from Sunday onwards, particularly in the Souss region and inland plains.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse