Morocco-Spain Good Neighborliness, ‘Vital Bridge’ between African and European Continents (South African Political Scientist)


Johannesburg – Good neighborliness between Morocco and Spain establishes a vital bridge between African and European continents, South African political scientist Theo Venter said Thursday.

‘The latest positive developments in relations between Morocco and Spain will undoubtedly have a positive impact, not only on neighboring countries, but also on both continents,’ Venter, professor at Johannesburg University, told MAP.

He also underlined that Morocco has been engaged for several years in a global modernization strategy in various areas, ranging from economy to improvement of infrastructure, including the promotion of technological innovation and social and diplomatic fields.

Addressing the issue of the kingdom’s territorial integrity, the expert stressed that Morocco benefits from a growing international support, “which constitutes an important step greatly opening the door for a new future and a solution to this conflict.”

The President of the Spanish Government on Wednesday paid a working visit to Mor
occo, marked by the audience granted to him by HM King Mohammed VI.

Sanchez’s visit to Morocco follows on from the new stage in bilateral relations, initiated by the meeting between HM the King and the President of the Spanish Government in April 2022, and the adoption, on that occasion, of the Joint Declaration between the two countries.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse