Morocco-Spain Relations Experience ‘Best Moment in Their History’ (Zapatero)


Madrid – Relations between Morocco and Spain, “two reliable partners,” are experiencing today the “best moment in their history,” former president of the Spanish Government José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said on Wednesday.

“Morocco and Spain have succeeded in forging a solid friendship and are working hand in hand in a spirit of trust and transparency, which allows us to testify that bilateral relations are going through the best moment in their history,” Zapatero told MAP, commenting on the working visit to Morocco by the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez.

“The visit of the President of the Spanish Government to Morocco is of great importance, as relations with the Kingdom are an absolute priority of Spain’s foreign policy, which is a cause for celebration,” he said.

“Morocco and Spain are two neighboring and friendly countries united by economic and cultural ties and exemplary cooperation in security matters,” the former head of the Spanish government explained. The two countries are “a li
nk between two continents and are working for their prosperity and progress,” he added.

“We are reliable neighbors and Morocco is a priority for Spain. For its part, Morocco is increasingly consolidating its relations with Madrid to turn Spain into its major ally in Europe,” Zapatero stated.

On the economic level, he recalled, Morocco is the leading destination for Spanish investment in Africa, and bilateral trade continues to break records.

On a different note, Zapatero noted that the joint organization of the 2030 Football World Cup with Portugal “will give new impetus to these exemplary relations and open up promising horizons for both countries.”

Spain and Morocco are moving forward together in a spirit of deep friendship and mutual trust to build a better future and set themselves up as models of multi-dimensional partnership, he concluded.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse