Morocco, Under HM the king’s Leadership, is ‘Actively’ Committed to Regional Integration (Parlatino President)


Rabat – Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, is ‘actively’ committed to regional integration, stressed, on Thursday in Rabat, president of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino).

Speaking at the opening of the “Parliamentary Conference on South-South Cooperation”, held at the initiative of the House of Councillors under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, González noted that the Kingdom’s “important contribution” goes beyond the regional framework, adding that Morocco, as an “active member” of the Parlatino and not a “mere observer member”, has made a “valuable” contribution to the founding impetus of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament and the Afro Latin American Parliamentary Forum.

González also highlighted the role of the Mohammed VI Library in the Parlatino as a link between Latin America and Morocco, adding that this space “reflects the richness and diversity of Morocco’s cultural heritage and represents a bridge for closer ties between the
peoples of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and a bridge to a promising future for our cooperation”.

He also praised the “important and effective” role played by Morocco’s House of Councillors in strengthening relations between Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Arab world, expressing his conviction that this parliamentary conference on South-South cooperation “will strengthen strategic partnerships and integration, laying the foundations for the development of our two regions”.

He stressed that South-South cooperation, while necessary, “does not replace North-South cooperation, but complements it, nor should it serve as a pretext for developed countries to offload their historical, political and moral responsibility for the development of our peoples”.

On this occasion, the Parlatino president urged MPs from Africa, the Arab world, Latin America and the Caribbean to seize the opportunities offered by South-South cooperation and to defend them so as to ensure the prosperity of the peoples
of the South in general, underlining the “valuable contribution” of South-South cooperation within the overall framework of multilateral cooperation and in the fight against the challenges facing the countries of the South.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse