Morocco’s Election to UNHRC Presidency Reflects Kingdom’s ‘Great Progress’ (French Senator)


Morocco’s election to the Presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2024 reflects the “great progress” made by the Kingdom since the accession of HM King Mohammed VI to the Throne, French senator Christian Cambon, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces in the Senate, said.

Through this election, “the international community takes note of the efforts made by the Kingdom in the field of human rights”, Cambon, also president of the French-Moroccan interparliamentary friendship group in the Senate, told MAP.

“With 30 votes out of 47, the choice is clear in favor of Morocco and I am delighted,” said Cambon, who expects the Moroccan presidency of the UNHRC, a recognition of Morocco’s efforts in favor of human rights, to be ‘active and voluntary’ to ‘lead the world towards more respect for these rights’.

This testifies, according to him, to ‘the entirely positive influence of the Kingdom within the international community’.

Morocco on Wednesday secured the Presiden
cy of the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2024 in a vote held in Geneva, receiving support from 30 out of the 47 council members.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse