Nigeria: Moroccan Wins 2024 African Women of Distinction Award


Abuja – Moroccan Karima Rhanem has won the Nigerian Iconic African Women Recognition Award (AIWRA) 2024, in the advocacy and defense of human rights category.

Out of 28 categories, the advocacy and defense of human rights prize rewards a female figure who has implemented all kinds of innovations to ensure the development of her country and Africa as a whole.

Of the 11 candidates from African countries other than Nigeria (a total of 140 candidates), Moroccan Karima Rhanem, president of the International Center for Diplomacy, won the award after receiving 2,672 votes.

This vote is recognition of her efforts and commitment to serving people, as well as her constant desire to improve society’s quality of life and create future opportunities for the next generation.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse