November 2023 Sees Price Stability in Manufacturing Industries – HCP Report


The latest update from Morocco’s statistics authority (HCP, Haut-Commissariat au Plan) reveals that the Producer Price Index (PPI) for manufacturing industries, excluding petroleum refining, held steady in November 2023 compared to the previous month.

The index’s stability is credited to a 0.5% increase in prices within the automobile industry, a slight 0.1% uptick in both food Industries and the manufacture of metal products, and a 0.4% rise in the apparel industry, as detailed in the HCP information note regarding the Industrial, Energy, and Mining Producer Price Index (IPPIEM).

However, these gains were offset by declining prices, including a 0.6% drop in metallurgy, a notable 0.8% reduction in the manufacture of rubber and plastic products, and a modest 0.1% decrease in the chemical industry, outlines the same source.

Furthermore, the Producer Price Indices for critical sectors like extractive industries and electricity and water production and distribution remained unchanged throughout November 2023.
ource: Agency Morocaine De Presse