NU-Q Launches Hiwar Scholars Seminar Discussing Critical Global Issues


Doha: Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q), one of Qatar Foundation’s partner universities, launched the Hiwar Scholars Seminar, to advance scholarly discourses on critical global issues.

The program will feature a series of weekly discussions in its 2024-25 program, moderated by faculty and researchers from NU-Q. It will bring together voices from the university’s Journalism and Strategic Communication Program, Communication Program, and Liberal Arts Program, as well as guest speakers from across Northwestern University, Education City, and the global academic community.

This seminar series is designed to engage the entire NU-Q faculty, students, and staff in meaningful conversations on a wide range of topics, from journalism to geopolitics. It will also serve as a platform to showcase the breadth and depth of the university’s research output, highlighting the diverse scholarly contributions of its faculty.

“The Hiwar Scholars Seminar is a vital initiative that not only enriches our community’s academi
c life but also reflects our dedication to excellence in scholarship and our commitment to fostering a vibrant, intellectually engaged community,” said dean and CEO of NU-Q Marwan Kraidy. “By bringing together a range of voices and perspectives, this seminar series will contribute to the dynamic exchange of ideas that is central to our mission.”

Source: Qatar News Agency