Oman Condemns Sweden for Allowing Attacks on Quran


The Sultanate of Oman expressed its strong condemnation of the repeated granting of permits and protection by the competent authorities in Sweden to extremists to burn and desecrate copies of the Holy Quran, and its strong condemnation of these provocative acts against the feelings and sanctities of Muslims and the incitement to violence and hatred.

In a statement today, the Omani Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community to take a firmer stance by criminalizing all acts that incite hatred and conflict between religions and cultures and offend laws and beliefs, stressing the importance of promoting the culture and values of peaceful coexistence and tolerance among all members of societies of different religions and cultures, and promoting international understanding and cooperation in order to build a world of peace and mutual respect.

Swedish authorities gave a permit for a demonstration in front of the Iraqi embassy, even though the demonstration’s leader announced his intention to burn a copy of the Holy Quran. Participants in the demonstration did not burn the Quran, but did rip up and throw away a copy of it, according to news media.

Source: Qatar News Agency