Omani Judiciary Delegation Visits Judiciary Supreme Council


Doha: A judicial delegation from the Sultanate of Oman visited the Judiciary Supreme Council, on Tuesday, to be briefed on its experience in upgrading the judicial system the council currently implements as part of the national initiative to develop justice systems.

The visit came within the program of shared bilateral scientific visits endorsed by Their Excellencies heads of supreme and cassation courts in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states in their 9th meeting held in Riyadh last year, the Ministry of Justice reported in a statement.

The Omani delegation listened to a presentation on upgrading the judicial system delivered by the Chief Judge of the electronic justice team Khalid Al Mansouri, during which he tackled the impact of developing the justice system as part of the themes set out in the initiative, along with the dismissal rates achieved by virtue of the technical and legislative development that has dramatically accelerated litigation and dismissal procedures, optimized the quality of liti
gation procedures, and benefited from AI-powered technologies, the statement continued.

The statement added that the Omani judicial delegation toured the Investment and Trade Court premises and reviewed the courts experience as a model for the judiciary steeped in investment and trade field, in addition to the progress of case management procedures and litigation procedures optimization in support of the investment system in Qatar. Also, the visit included an orientation tour of the Execution Court, the Court of Cassation, and the Judicial Inspection Authority.

The visit program features panel discussions between Omani judges and their Qatari counterparts in the fields of litigation jurisprudence and the judicial principles extracted from the rulings, which promote the objective of the visit in sharing expertise, and creating a common procedural and judicial environment that helps serve the higher goals of Gulf action, and in a way that reflects positively on the Gulf judicial arena.

Source: Qatar News Ag