Palestinian Foreign Ministry Accuses International Community of Siding with Occupation, Failure to Protect Palestinians


The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the international community of giving surface-level responses that fail to provide effective solutions that protects Palestinians in accordance with the international law.

Hundreds of UN resolutions that called to end the Israeli occupation and give Palestinians legitimate national rights and be able to practice self-determination were issued but have not been implemented the Ministry said.

In a statement, the Paletine’s foreign ministry expressed its dissatisfaction with the “dull” international reactions towards the ongoing ethnic cleansing crimes committed by the Israeli occupation authorities against Jerusalemites, which falls with its colonial goals and ambitions of the annexation of East Jerusalem and erasing the Palestinian presence by replacing the natives with the settlers.

The statement highlighted an incident where settlers seized the house of a Palestinian family in the Old City of Jerusalem and the predictable and surface-level international reactions that followed. It stressed that these responses do not correspond with the actual suffering, pain, injustice and crimes that the Palestinians deal with, which reaches the level of crimes against humanity.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the reactions of the international community reflect double standards and unjustness in dealing with international law, human rights and international legitimacy and its resolutions. It shows the lack of will to take the necessary practical measures to oblige the Israeli occupation authorities to stop all its illegal actions against the Palestinian people, it added.

Source: Qatar News Agency