Palestinian Foreign Ministry Calls For Urgent US Intervention to Stop Israeli Occupation’s Crimes


Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for an urgent American intervention to coerce the Israeli entity government to stop the crimes of demolishing Palestinian houses and facilities and compel it to uphold its pledges and commitments, as an occupation force, towards unarmed Palestinian citizens and civilians.

In a statement on Thursday, the ministry voiced its grave dismay over the silence of international community concerning these crimes and for sticking only to some press statements or expressions of concern which the ministry considered “useless”.

The ministry said it is very concerned about these brutal crimes and the catastrophic consequences arising from them on citizens’ life, including children, women, sick people and elderly and considered such crimes “a wide-scale ethnic cleansing” operation.

It also called for coercing the occupation government to engage in a political negotiation process that ends the Israeli occupation of the land of Palestine. (QNA)

Source: Qatar News Agency