Palestinian Magazine “Al-Maqdisiyah” Highlights Roles of HM the King and Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency


The Palestinian quarterly magazine “Al-Maqdisiyah” highlighted, in its latest issue, the programs of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency and the roles of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the Kingdom of Morocco in supporting the inhabitants and institutions of the Holy City.

The magazine, published by the Center for Al-Quds Studies at Al-Quds University, devoted a large part of its 19th issue (Summer 2023) to the Silver Jubilee of the Bayt Mal Al Quds Asharif Agency, its programs and the prospects for its action and scientific publications focusing on the Holy City.

This new issue also refers to the 1st Free Days Forum organized by the Agency last March under the theme “Social and economic sectors in Al-Quds: the challenges of reality and the conditions for development”.

Quoted by the publication, the Agency’s managing director Mohamed Salem Cherkaoui reaffirmed the institution’s determination to continue its support for the inhabitants and institutions of Al-Quds, noting that the Agency reflects the Nation’s willingness to preserve and develop the Holy City.

Under the direct supervision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Agency has become a benchmark for action in Al-Quds, thanks to its accumulated experience and expertise, and to the right mechanisms in place to ensure that donations reach the projects concerned.

Over the past 25 years, the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency has carried out more than 200 major projects, in addition to dozens of other small and medium-sized projects, with a budget in excess of $64 million, he added, noting that these projects have been carried out using an approach that takes into account the specific characteristics of the Holy City.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse