Paraguay’s Lower House Speaker Affirms Commitment to Boosting Relations with Morocco


The speaker of Paraguay’s Chamber of Deputies, Raúl Luís Latorre, has affirmed his country’s firm commitment to consolidating relations with Morocco at all levels.

“In Paraguay, we have a firm commitment to strengthening bilateral relations with the Kingdom of Morocco and consolidating the historic ties that unite the two peoples,” Latorre told MAP after talks in Asunción with the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi El Alami, who represented HM King Mohammed VI at the inauguration ceremony of Paraguay’s new president, Santiago Peña.

The President of the Paraguayan Chamber of Deputies stressed that his talks with Mr. Talbi El Alami had reinforced the shared desire to advance bilateral relations and strengthen the friendship between the two countries, and consequently “we are called upon to consolidate them further.”

He called for further progress in strengthening relations between the parliaments of the two countries, and in consolidating trade relations and mechanisms for coordination and mutual political support for the positions of both countries in international forums on the many issues of common interest.

The Paraguayan official felt that strengthening political and commercial ties would accelerate the pace of growth and development in both countries, which have enormous potential to exploit.

During an audience granted to Talbi El Alami, the new President of Paraguay affirmed that Morocco represents, for Paraguay and for all South American countries, an ideal gateway to Africa and the Arab world.

Santiago Peña added that he and the leaders of the countries in the region share the same appreciation of Morocco as a gateway to Africa and the Arab world, underlining the Kingdom’s important role in the development of the South in general, and believing that strengthening cooperation with Morocco will advance South-South relations towards greater prosperity and progress.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse