Peru’s Congress Hails Major Structuring Projects Launched in Morocco Under the Impetus of HM the King


Lima – The Peruvian Congress hailed the major structuring and development projects launched in all regions of the Kingdom, particularly in the southern provinces, under the impetus of HM King Mohammed VI, in the renewable energy, infrastructure, industry and agriculture sectors.

The Peruvian legislators, who met in Lima with Fouad Yazourh, Director General of Bilateral Relations and Regional Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, stressed the importance of further promoting trade and economic exchanges between Morocco and Peru, with a view to the signing of a Free Trade Agreement between the two countries.

They also welcomed HM King Mohammed VI’s African Atlantic Initiative, which will strengthen cooperation between the Sahel states and those along the Atlantic seaboard, with the primary aim of transforming this continental maritime area into a zone of peace, stability and development.

On the sidelines of the 7th Morocco-Peru Political Consultations Mechan
ism, Fouad Yazourh met Alejandro Soto Reyes, Speaker of the Peruvian Congress, Alejandro Aguinaga, Chairperson of the Foreign Relations Commission, and members of the Foreign Relations Commission and the Peru-Morocco Parliamentary Friendship Group, chaired by MP Ernesto Bustamante.

During the talks, the two parties expressed their satisfaction with the level of parliamentary cooperation between the two countries’ legislative institutions, expressing the wish to consolidate it further and extend it to other areas of cooperation, in view of the existing potential in the two friendly countries.

Fouad Yazourh also thanked the Peruvian Congress for its friendship and constant support for the Kingdom’s supreme interests.

While praising the various initiatives to bring the two countries closer together, the Moroccan official welcomed the official institutionalization of Morocco’s Parliamentary Day in the Peruvian Congress in November of each year, in commemoration of HM the King’s historic visit to Peru in 2004,
the first by an Arab or African Head of State.

The working meetings at the Peruvian Congress were attended by HM the King’s Ambassador to Lima, Amin Chaoudri, and the Director of American Affairs, Nezha Attahar.

The seventh edition of the Political Consultations Mechanism, which coincided with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries (June 27, 1964), provided an opportunity to note the convergence of Moroccan and Peruvian views on several regional and international issues, illustrating their shared commitment to peace, stability and sustainable development.

In addition to the great interest shown in development proposals and structuring projects, the Morocco-Peruvian Political Consultations meeting also served as a framework for drawing up a draft Multisectoral Roadmap, a key document marking the two countries’ commitment to initiatives to be undertaken in sectoral cooperation during 2024.

Discussions between the two parties covered the full range of prio
rity topics on the bilateral agenda, with a particular focus on stepping up trade and economic exchanges, technical cooperation in education and culture, as well as in the fields of water resources, agricultural research, science, technology and tourism.

Source: Agency Marocaine De Presse