Preventing and Combating Corruption: key National Priority for Solid, Inclusive Development (Official)


Preventing and fighting corruption is an essential national priority for achieving solid and inclusive development, said, Tuesday in Rabat, chairman of the National Authority for Probity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption (INPPLC), Mohamed Bachir Rachdi.

In a presentation before the public finance control committee at the House of Representatives on the INPPLC’s report for 2022, Rachdi noted that achieving the expected development objectives requires “a change of approach to ensure effective institutional complementarity through convergence and articulation of the roles and responsibilities of the authorities, bodies and institutions concerned”.

Referring to the historical mission and responsibility of the INPPLC within the framework of the national anti-corruption strategy, Rachdi called for the strengthening of the body’s role as a force for proposals and guidance, in addition to the development of mechanisms and institutional frameworks guaranteeing positive and practical interaction with its

He underlined that this annual report develops a diagnosis and a meticulous, objective assessment of the policies pursued, deepens the examination and analysis of priority projects, and draws up guidelines and recommendations within the framework of a global, harmonious and ambitious vision.

In order to identify the various aspects of the scourge of corruption, the INPPLC, he added, is focusing the efforts of the observatory created within the body by law, on the ongoing development of diagnostic mechanisms, field research and analysis to strengthen accurate and objective knowledge of the various aspects of this phenomenon with a view to achieving appropriate policies and procedures, the aim being to prevent and combat corruption but also to propose alternatives as part of the guidance and coordination missions incumbent on it under the Constitution.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse