Qatar Aeronautical Academy Celebrates Class 2024 Graduation


Doha: The Qatar Aeronautical Academy celebrated Sunday the graduation of the Class of 2024 in four academic disciplines in the field of aviation, in the presence of HE Minister of Transport Jassim bin Saif Al Sulaiti, Their Excellencies ministers, heads of government entities, ambassadors, and officials representing the aviation industry and concerned ministries.

In a speech at the ceremony, HE Director General of the Qatar Aeronautical Academy Sheikh Jabor bin Hamad Al-Thani congratulated the graduates, and wished them continuous success to contribute to the ongoing progress and development of the country’s aviation industry. He added that the Academy not only trains students, but also prioritizes obtaining universal certifications and accreditations for the certificates it issues.

He said that the graduates’ academic disciplines varied, covering commercial pilot training, aircraft maintenance engineering, air traffic control, and the advanced program on airport operations management.

A group of graduates
who represent the Class of 2024 also addressed the audience, and thanked the QAA’s administration, and teaching staff for their support and dedication.

The QAA continues targeting the highest levels of air safety and security, supported, and supervised by the MOT.

Source: Qatar News Agency