Qatar Charity Strengthens Capabilities of Somali Disaster Management Agency


Qatar Charity (QC) participated in the inauguration of the headquarters of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) in the presence of HE Ambassador of Qatar to Somalia Dr Abdullah bin Salem Al Nuaimi, Director of SoDMA Mohamuud Moallim, and Director of the Emergency and Relief Department at Qatar Charity Khalid Abdulla Alyafei, in addition to other Somali government officials.

Qatar Charity contributed to strengthening the capabilities of SoDMA by furnishing its headquarters, and there are plans to offer technical training courses for SoDMA’s staff in the near future. Qatar Charity has also laid the foundation stone for the construction of a mosque within the headquarters of SoDMA.

Director of the Emergency and Relief Department at Qatar Charity Khalid Abdulla Alyafei expressed his happiness at being in Somalia to participate in the opening of SoDMA’s headquarters. He expressed his hope that the furnishing of the headquarters would contribute to providing a comfortable and suitable working environment for SoDMA’s staff and enhancing its efficiency in responding to natural and humanitarian disasters in Somalia.

Alyafei stated, “Qatar Charity is committed to supporting the Somali people in addressing challenges, including natural disasters and conflicts. We value the strong partnership that connects us with the SoDMA, and we are confident that this partnership will continue and contribute to achieving results that will positively impact the Somali people.” “Qatar stands by the Somali people, and we, at Qatar Charity, will provide support and assistance to them to address various humanitarian challenges in Somalia,” Alyafei noted.

Director of SoDMA Mohamuud Moallim praised the continuous support from Qatar Charity to assist the Somali people. He said, “Qatar Charity is a key partner in our efforts to aid Somalis affected by natural disasters and conflicts. It has provided us with invaluable support and helped us improve the lives of millions of people in Somalia.” He added, “We highly appreciate the ongoing support from Qatar Charity and look forward to continuing our cooperation with it in the future.” It is worth mentioning that Qatar Charity has provided emergency relief assistance to Somalia in the wake of several natural disasters, including droughts and floods. It also supported sustainable development projects in the country

Source: Qatar News Agency