Qatari Newspapers Editorials -1- Date: 06-Aug-23


In turn, Al-Watan daily expressed regret over the rise of Israeli violent crimes against the Palestinian people, while the international community remains unable to take any serious action to deter the occupation authorities and push towards a political solution that alone can stop the horrifying Israeli violence.

The newspaper said that a Palestinian youth was martyred on Saturday in an attack by settlers on the village of Burqa, east of Ramallah, an another Palestinian was also martyred during the Israeli forces’ raid on the city of Tulkarm and its refugee camp, referring to the statement issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, which said that 19-year-old Qusai Jamal Maatan was shot dead by settlers who attacked the village. Local sources said that the settlers stormed areas in the western and northwestern parts of Burqa, protected by the occupation forces. The residents stood up to defend their land, leading to clashes in which a young man was shot with live ammunition before being martyred later, in addition to two others being injured. Meanwhile, a Palestinian child, not older than four years, from the Tel al-Rumaida in Hebron was hit by a settler’s vehicle, resulting in bruises and fractures that required his transfer to the hospital for treatment.

Al-Watan emphasized in conclusion that these are war crimes and crimes against humanity that must be stopped, and those responsible must be held accountable, calling on the Western society and the United States especially to act responsibly and return the Palestinian issue to the Security Council in order to issue mandatory resolutions that would curb the Israeli occupation authority and stop the heinous crimes and apartheid policies against the Palestinians to establish a comprehensive, lasting and just peace in the Middle East.

On the international level, Al-Sharq newspaper said in its editorial that fears are rising following the coup in Niger, which has begun to take on a more dangerous dimension, with the increasing regional and international alignments that threaten to complicate the situation and plunge the country and the African continent into a wave of fighting and destruction that deepens the suffering of this continent from economic and security crises, pointing out that this coup is the seventh military coup in less than three years in the West and Central Africa region, which opens the door to power struggles among major countries seeking control over Africa and settling their scores at the expense of the interest of the continent’s peoples .

The newspaper added that with this coup in Niger, the region has witnessed a continuous line of military regimes extending from Niger, Mali, and Chad to Burkina Faso and the Central African Republic, indicating that any military intervention in Niger would destabilize the entire region.

The daily pointed out that there have been at least 100 successful coups in Africa in the past four decades, which is a very high number of coups. This means that some countries have witnessed three coups during that period. These coups are generally linked to the interests of other countries that seek to destabilize the Black Continent to serve their economic and geopolitical interests.

In conclusion, Al-Sharq called on the international community to pay attention to the risks of coups in Africa and support programs for economic growth, education, security, and stability in the continent, which suffers from poverty, famine, and insecurity. Ignoring these issues will turn the continent into a time bomb that will explode with waves of migrants and refugees and become a focal point for violence and terrorism if major countries continue to exploit its resources and work on its division.

Source: Qatar News Agency