Qatari Newspapers Editorials Date: 11-Sep-23


Qatari newspapers covered a number of topics in their Monday editorials, highlighting HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani’s meeting with HE Head of the Government of National Unity of the sisterly State of Libya Abdul Hamid Mohammed Al Dbeiba and the accompanying delegation on the occasion of his visit to the country.

The newspapers stressed the State of Qatar’s commitment to cooperate with countries in the region and the international community to preserve the gains achieved, support the will of the Libyan people to stop the bloodshed and preserve the countrys unity, and urge all parties to sit at the dialogue table to reach a solution that meets the aspirations of the Libyans, and contributes to the stability of Libya and the region.

The newspapers also focused on the State of Qatars solidarity with brothers in the Kingdom of Morocco during difficult times. Qatar has provided all its capabilities of relief, medical, humanitarian, and logistical support at its disposal, stressing that Qatars foreign policy aims to promote international peace, solidarity, and the principles of providing assistance when needed.

For its part, Al Sharq newspaper said in its editorial that the State of Qatar continues to support the Libyan people and their choices in supporting peace and development. In this context, HH the Amir affirmed, during his meeting with HE Head of the Government of National Unity of the sisterly State of Libya Abdul Hamid Mohammed Al Dbeiba on Sunday, the State of Qatar’s firm position towards supporting Libya’s unity and stability and achieving the aspirations of its people for stability and development.

Al-Sharq added that the State of Qatar is working to activate cooperation with the Libyan National Unity Government in multiple fields to support sustainable development and serve the interest of the Libyan people. Additionally, Doha continues to support all efforts to reach a lasting political solution through comprehensive dialogue that preserves respect for Libyas sovereignty, territorial integrity, stability, and security, and for the good and interest of the brotherly Libyan people.

Al-Sharq concluded by stressing that Qatar is committed to cooperating with the countries of the region and the international community to preserve the gains achieved, support the will of the Libyan people to stop the bloodshed and preserve the unity of the country, and urge all parties to sit at the dialogue table to reach a solution that meets the aspirations of the Libyans and contributes to the stability of the country and region.

In this context, Al-Watan newspaper said that Qatar and Libya share many historical ties. Their bilateral relations have always been characterized by mutual respect, deep friendship, and a common keenness to develop relations for the good of their countries and people. HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani met in his office at Lusail Palace on Sunday with HE Head of the Government of National Unity of the sisterly State of Libya Abdul Hamid Mohammed Al Dbeiba, where His Highness affirmed the State of Qatar’s firm position towards supporting Libya’s unity and stability and achieving the aspirations of its people for stability and development, and Qatar’s full support for the Libyan political track, the relevant Security Council resolutions, and all peaceful solutions that preserve the sovereignty of Libya.

Al-Watan highlighted that Qatar believes deeply in building strong relations with brotherly and friendly countries based on mutual respect and consolidating regional and international peace and security. This can only be achieved through cooperation and constructive joint work in all fields.

Similarly, Al-Arab newspaper said in its editorial that HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani met in his office at Lusail Palace on Sunday with HE Head of the Government of National Unity of the sisterly State of Libya Abdul Hamid Mohammed Al Dbeiba and the accompanying delegation, on the occasion of his visit to the country within the framework of strengthening the fraternal relations. This visit highlighted the depth and mutual respect of Libyan-Qatari relations, and the solidarity and strategic partnership that aims to serve the common interest of the two brotherly people.

The meeting was not complete without the Libyan side expressing its thanks and appreciation to HH the Amir for the State of Qatar’s continued and permanent support for the State of Libya and its people while HH the Amir affirmed the State of Qatar’s firm position towards supporting Libya’s unity and stability and achieving the aspirations of its people for stability and development. In this regard, His Highness reiterated the State of Qatar’s full support for the Libyan political track, the relevant Security Council resolutions, and all peaceful solutions that preserve the sovereignty of Libya.

Al-Arab indicated that the Qatari-Libyan relationship is very old, and was strengthened after the outcomes of the Skhirat Agreement and work with the Government of National Accord in previous years. They are strong relations built on foundations of respect and cooperation in all fields, especially after the agreement between the two sides to form working teams to evaluate the agreements between the two countries and search for opportunities to provide support and cooperation with the brothers in Libya.

In conclusion, Al-Arab said the newspaper stressed that the State of Qatar will always support the efforts for the stability and prosperity of Libya and its unity away from all external interference. (MORE)

Source: Qatar News Agency