QSE Listed Companies Report QR 37.42 Billion for Q3 of 2023


Doha, All of Qatar Stock Exchange (QSE) listed companies have disclosed their financial statements results for the nine months period ended September 30, 2023. The results show a net profit of QR 37.42 billion compared to QR 40.54 billion for the same period last year, a decrease by 7.69%.

According to figures published on QSE website on Tuesday, Industrials declined by 40.90% with QR 7.005 billion in net profit to top the declining sectors, followed by Consumer Goods and Services which dropped by 34.33%, and Real Estate by 4.12%.

On the other hand, net profit of Insurance was the highest with QR 853.744 million, a rise by 334.92%, followed by Telecoms which achieved an increase of 26.42%. Net profit of Banks and Financial Services rose by nearly 4.74%, and Transportation by 3.11%.

Source: Qatar News Agency