Rabat: 8 Individuals Referred to Public Prosecutor’s Office for Squandering, Embezzling Public Funds


The National Bureau for the Fight against Economic and Financial Crime under the National Judicial Police Brigade (BNPJ) referred on Thursday eight people, including three police officers, to the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Rabat Court of Appeal for their alleged involvement in the squandering and embezzlement of public funds, falsification and production of declarations containing falsified data.

A statement by the Directorate General of National Security (DGSN) indicated that the DGSN had previously undertaken an internal audit of the cavalry school’s financial management, which had revealed fraud in public contracts, necessitating the provisional suspension of the school’s former director at the rank of controller general, and his submission to a judicial inquiry under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor’s office.

Searches and investigations carried out in this case, added the same source, focused on seven other suspects, suspected of complicity and participation in these criminal acts, including five managers of contracting companies in addition to other police officers placed in custody for the purposes of investigation in a separate case.

Those referred to the public prosecutor’s office were imprisoned on the orders of the competent judicial authority, while one of the suspects, a woman, was placed under judicial supervision.

According to the statement, this case is part of the efforts made by the National Security services to combat crimes of financial corruption, and to consolidate the principles of integrity and moralization in the work of the police service.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse