RAM Acknowledged by IATA for Environmental and Biodiversity Commitment


This dual certification confirms RAM’s ongoing commitment to the environment and the protection of nature, stated the airline in a press release.

IEnvA is a program designed to support airlines in their environmental initiatives. Implemented on a voluntary basis, the IEnvA standard certifies RAM’s compliance with its environmental obligations, its dedication to continuous improvement, and the environmental management processes implemented by the company.

“This dual IATA certification underscores RAM’s strong commitment to environmental responsibility and action. Obtaining the IEnvA and IWT labels strengthens the company’s image and values in Morocco and internationally,” said RAM CEO Hamid Addou, as quoted in the press release.

RAM is the only airline in Africa and the 7th in the world to be recognized by IATA with both labels, IEnvA and IWT, for its environmental efforts.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse