Relations between Rabat, Madrid Based on ‘Mutual Respect and Responsibility’ – Spokesman


Spain and Morocco maintain diplomatic relations based on ”mutual respect and responsibility”, the Spanish government spokeswoman Isabel Rodriguez said Tuesday, adding that bilateral relations are governed by the Joint Declaration of April 7, 2022 and the conclusions of the High Level Meeting, held in Rabat last February.

“Spain will continue to work according to the principles of collaboration, mutual respect and responsibility with Morocco,” said Isabel Rodriguez during a press briefing held after the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers.

The Spanish government’s position on Morocco is “clearly expressed in the roadmap of the Spanish-Moroccan declaration of April 7, 2022 and more recently at the last high-level meeting in Morocco,” insisted the spokeswoman of the Spanish Executive.

The agreements with Morocco are “very important”, as they cover different aspects of bilateral ties, she added.

The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, recently described as “very positive” the balance of bilateral cooperation with Morocco, since the adoption of the Joint Declaration of April 7, 2022, during the visit of the President of the Spanish government Pedro Sanchez to Morocco, at the invitation of HM King Mohammed VI.

”We are pleased with a very positive outcome. (…) We have laid the foundations of a relationship on new bases, mutual respect and benefit, no unilateral actions and compliance with commitments agreed,” said the head of Spanish diplomacy, in an interview with the daily “Ara”.

Based on the new roadmap, adopted on the occasion of the visit of Pedro Sanchez to Morocco, at the invitation of HM King Mohammed VI, the two countries are committed, among other things, to address issues of common interest in a “spirit of trust and consultation”, while reactivating the working groups created between the two countries to revive bilateral multisectoral cooperation.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse