Report: The West Bank is under the weight of terrorism, settler fires, and the policy of thirst


Nablus – Together – The National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance said in its periodic report, ‘The West Bank is under the weight of terrorism, settlers’ fires, and the policy of thirst and reduction of water quantities.’

The office continued in a report issued today, Saturday, ‘In the extremely hot weather that swept the West Bank in the past two weeks, the hand of Israeli terrorism, which emanates from settlements and settlement outposts, extended to ignite fires in many areas, until citizens began to live in anxiety about their property and homes.’ And life as well.’

He continued, “This comes in an extension of the settlers’ attacks, which do not cease, as the various governorates witnessed more than 600 settler attacks throughout the first six months of this year, including the burning of homes, fields, and vehicles in more than one governorate.”

In this report, the office pointed to examples of violations. Settlers from the ‘Homesh’ outpost, under the protection of the occupation forc
es, burned agricultural lands in the village of Burqa after they threw burning tires towards citizens’ homes in the Al-Manshara and Al-Hawouz areas north of the village, which led to the burning of agricultural lands, and another attack in the village. In Burqa, settlers burned the house of citizen Raed Yassin Hajjah with Molotov cocktails, causing parts of it to burn, before the villagers were able to put out the fire.

He added, “As for the village of Burin, south of the city of Nablus, it is the focus of the settlers and their terrorist organizations in the Nablus Governorate, which originates from the Yitzhar settlement. Last week, a male and female citizen were injured in an attack by settlers on the town, an attack that included burning a vehicle and agricultural fields planted with olives. And in Also last week, in the town of Qasra, southeast of the city of Nablus, a number of citizens were injured while confronting an attack launched by settlers under the protection of the occupation army on the town
. A group of settlers, who came from the terrorist settlement outpost ‘Yesh Kadish’ and from another new outpost that was established last month, attacked 300 meters from the homes of the town, the homes of citizens in the southern area of ??the town, and one of the houses was set on fire, causing significant material losses as a result of the fires in commercial shops, vehicles, hay bales, and farms for poultry and cows. The settlers intensified their attacks in the governorate and burned agricultural lands and a vehicle lot in the village It is located south of the city of Nablus. Settlers also burned agricultural lands in the village of Barqa, east of the city of Ramallah, and attacked citizens’ vehicles with stones on the bypass road above the village bridge. The scene was repeated in Bethlehem Governorate, after a group of settlers burned agricultural land with an area of ??about 7 dunums, planted with olive, grape, and almond trees, in the ‘Ain Qadis’ area of ??the Husan village.

He added, “As for Masa
fer Yatta, which is constantly suffering from settler attacks, a group of settlers set fire to citizens’ lands and invaded others in the area of ??Sadda al-Tha’la in Masafer, and planted them with trees, with the aim of expanding the “Itzkhar Man” colony. As for the situation of the central switchbacks northwest of the city Jericho was not in a better situation than in Al-Musafer, as settlers demolished a number of agricultural facilities in the area and a number of barracks and attacked vehicles with the aim of pushing the Bedouin citizens in the area to emigrate.’

The office said in its report that the most dangerous of all are attempts to infiltrate some villages under the cover of darkness in the early hours of the morning to carry out serious terrorist acts. Once again, Israeli terrorism is rearing its head in a way reminiscent of what happened in the village of Duma in the Nablus governorate in 2015, when settlers attacked the village and set fire to the house of the Dawabsha family and its members whi
le they were sleeping, resulting in the burning of the father, mother, and child who was not more than 18 months old, while the child, Ahmed, survived. From death miraculously. For the third time since the beginning of this year, terrorist settlers committed a new terrible crime against the Palestinians, as they tried to burn family members while they were sleeping. In the early hours of dawn on June 17, settlers raided a house belonging to the citizen Mahmoud Muhammad Jabr al-Adra, in the village of Al-Deirat, east of the city of Yatta, and threw Molotov cocktails inside the house, where a family of 7 people, including 5 children, slept. They also wrote racist slogans on the walls of the house. From abroad, such as ‘Death to the Arabs’ and ‘Leave with respect.’ These terrorist settlers came to the village from the neighboring Karmiel settlement at three in the morning. They broke the window of the house and threw Molotov cocktails inside it, after writing racist slogans in Hebrew on the walls of the house. N
eighbors came to help the family in putting out the fire and saved the family’s life.

The report pointed out that this criminal attempt was not the only one, but rather a repetition of targeting the same house at the end of the year, ten years ago. At that time, the settlers attacked the same citizen’s house and burned part of it after they broke the window glass in the living room and threw a burning canister filled with gasoline. Which led to the explosive device exploding inside the salon, spewing gasoline and igniting the contents of the house on fire. In both cases, the family miraculously survived.

He continued, “In such an atmosphere, the Minister of the Occupation Army, Yoav Galant, last week, in coordination with the heads of the regional councils of the settlements, made a field tour in the areas of Gilboa and Emek HaMinot, located to the north of the city of Jenin, and launched positions that would exacerbate the situation and push the settlers to escalate their violations.” And their terrorist p
ractices. Gallant announced that his ministry had begun strengthening the so-called ‘alert teams’ deployed in Israeli settlements and towns with drones and advanced weapons, and he repeated the Israeli allegations that Iran is trying to flood the occupied West Bank in general and the Jenin region specifically with weapons and ammunition, thus justifying the occupation authorities’ action. By strengthening the ‘alert teams’ in the settlements and providing them with advanced weapons and drones, and also revealing the formation of ‘rapid intervention teams’ to provide an immediate response in times of security necessities. The field tour conducted by Gallant, according to a statement issued by the army command, aimed to conduct an assessment of the situation with army officials and heads of regional councils about strengthening security elements in the towns in the face of various threats. According to the statement, the aforementioned minister met with the head of the Gilboa Regional Council, Danny Atar, and t
he head of the regional council. Emek Hamaynot, Itamar Matiyash, stressed the importance of cooperation between local authorities and the Israeli army, and the statement quoted Gallant as saying: ‘We are preparing to confront any evil. On the one hand, we are working concentratedly in Jenin, in the refugee camps and everywhere in order to thwart terrorism. On the one hand, ‘Otherwise, we are strengthening the alert teams and intervention units that we are forming with the most advanced weapons and the best possible training, including drones and all the equipment that will be required so that they can operate and ensure immediate response until the forces arrive.’

He said, “Terrorism, arson, and siege are one aspect of the scene in the West Bank. The other scene is the thirst policy practiced by the occupation authorities against Palestinian citizens. The Hebron Municipality said that at the height of the heat wave, Israel reduced the amount of water allocated to the cities of Hebron and Bethlehem by about 3
5%.” At the same time, it increased the amount of water allocated to the settlers, and in a statement issued by the Municipal Council, it appealed to the international community to intervene to solve the water crisis caused by the occupation, and denounced the attempt to reduce the Palestinians’ share of water in the Hebron and Bethlehem governorates for the benefit of the settlers. The Municipal Council added that the reduction is due to this ‘The timing portends an early water crisis that will double the suffering of citizens and deprive them of their most basic rights to obtain water, the quantities of which do not normally rise to the level required for the per capita share.’

The reduction in water quantities comes as an implementation of a policy whose effects have worsened under the new Israeli government, which was formed from the Likud alliance with the extreme right-wing religious Zionist and fascist parties and with the Haredi parties. It is a continuation of the thirst policy practiced by the occu
pying state with the Palestinians. This policy is not new in any way, as it is repeated in varying shapes and sizes every year and comes as an extension of the policy of racial discrimination practiced by the occupying state against Palestinian citizens. Everyone mentions here that at the beginning of 2023, the Israeli company ‘Mekorot’ reduced the agreed upon daily supply quantity to an average of approximately 25% of the daily quantity in the Hebron and Bethlehem governorates. The reduction at the time was not limited to the two aforementioned governorates, but rather extended to Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate after reducing the quantities of water by an average of approximately 15% of the quantities agreed upon to supply the governorate, in addition to the fluctuation in water pressure in a number of areas, which led to administrative problems in distributing Water thus does not reach high areas. The reduction in quantities also affected Nablus Governorate, specifically the areas of Sarra, Tal, Kafr Qad
dum, and Jit, which witnessed a major water shortage as a result of the reduction in water supplied from the Qaddum source, in addition to the repeated suspension of water pumping from the Beit Iba well pumping station, the main supplier to the governorate, which It led to a reduction in water quantities to 11 villages supplied with water from this station.

It is known that the occupying state controls about 88% of Palestinian water sources in the West Bank, and allows illegal settlers to freely access and benefit from water sources, whether for drinking and domestic uses or for agricultural and industrial projects in the settlements. International and Israeli studies have shown that the Israeli settler in the West Bank consumes nine and a half times more water than the Palestinian citizen. We mention here that the water available to the Palestinians in the West Bank amounts to 105 million cubic metres, which is less than what was available in 1995 in the Oslo Accords, which amounted to 118 million cubic met
res. As for the amount of water needed according to international standards, it amounts to 400 million cubic metres, meaning that the Palestinians get A quarter of what they need.

In a different context, the United States of America announced, on the eve of Eid al-Adha, the imposition of sanctions on a settlement organization against the backdrop of its obstruction of the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. The US State Department said in its statement in this regard that members of the “Tesav 9” group repeatedly sought to obstruct the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, including by closing roads and sometimes using violence. They damaged aid trucks, threw life-saving humanitarian aid on the side of the road, and set fire to… Two trucks in the occupied West Bank carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. This movement takes its name from ‘Tsaf-8,’ which is the order issued by the occupation army to mobilize reserve soldiers in emergency situations, as happened after October 7 last year. This movement
began its work after publishing an appeal on the Facebook platform by Israelis who were incited by well-known political leaders in Israel. As usual, the sanctions imposed by the United States on settler and violent Israeli individuals and entities target, in essence, the executive tools away from the political, spiritual and field leadership, which they direct, lead and finance in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Security and other ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture, which is responsible for Avi Dabakhter, who monitored from During his ministry, he provided lucrative sums of money to finance settlement outposts established by Zvi Bar-Yosef, Moshe Sharvit, Bar-Yosef and others, upon whom American and British sanctions were imposed, against the backdrop of the so-called acts of violence, which they practiced against Palestinian citizens, or Itamar Ben-Gvir Ben-Gvir, who clearly instructed And directly to the Deputy Inspector General of the Occupation Police to refrain from guarding
the truck convoys that were transporting humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. The newspaper “Haaretz” shed more light on this, writing: The Ministry of Agriculture, which is headed by Minister Avi Dichter from the Likud Party, decided to allocate funding for two random settlement outposts established by settlers Zvi Bar-Yosef and Moshe Sharvit, upon whom American sanctions were imposed. The Ministry of Agriculture claims that it funds these settlement outposts in order to encourage livestock grazing. These terrorist settlers are paid 1,000 shekels for one cow in a herd of at least 50 cows, and 55 shekels for one lamb or goat in a herd of at least 100 lambs or goats. In addition to funding these settlement outposts, the occupying state granted an area of ??more than 8,500 dunams to six random settlement outposts, noting that these settlement outposts are illegal even under Israeli law. The Ministry also supports settlement associations that provide volunteers to work in settlement outposts. These associations a
re Hashomer Yosh, Kedma, and the Preparatory Military College in the Beit Yatir settlement in the south of Mount Hebron.

The weekly violations documented by the National Land Defense Office were as follows during the reporting period:

Jerusalem: The occupation municipality forced the Jerusalemite citizen Amjad Mahmoud to self-demolish his house in the town of Issawiya under the pretext of not having a license. In Jerusalem, Sinan Barakat, the Jerusalemite, was injured as a result of being shot by a settler who is the owner of a shop in the Old City. This was preceded by an attack by the settlers on the merchants with profanity and vandalism. Shop contents. The male settler had opened fire on the merchants of the Old City in the bazaar market, wounding the merchants Sinan and his father, Bassam Barakat Barakat (Abu Al-Filat), and transferring them to receive treatment in the hospital.

Hebron: The occupation forces were notified of the seizure of more than 20 dunams of reclaimed land and a tree farm in the a
rea in the middle of the areas of Ziv and Khallet Farn with Wadi Al-Saman and Khalayel Al-Maghribi. It is located in the heart of Khallet Birin, east of the town of Yatta, and is owned by the citizen Khaled Al-Rajabi. Settlers burned large areas of land in the town of Tarqumiya, west of Hebron, and the fire spread to large areas of citizens’ lands planted with olive and vine trees. Settlers from the ‘Karmiel’ settlement and the ‘Shimon’ settlement outpost also uprooted 40 olive trees and an agricultural room belonging to the citizen Issa Khalil Hamamda, stole agricultural equipment and destroyed some property, while others attacked citizens, from the Makhamra family in the village of Susya, and forced farmers to leave their lands and vandalized olive trees. They chased shepherds in Masafer Yatta. In Ain al-Bayda, settlers from the “Itzkhar Man” settlement uprooted about 200 olive trees, released their livestock onto citizens’ lands, and stole barbed wire. In the village of Birin, east of Hebron, the occupatio
n forces raided the village and conducted surveys and photographs of a number of citizens’ homes, including six homes previously notified for demolition belonging to Saeed, Yaqoub, Ismail Burqan, Youssef Al-Ajouri, Youssef Al-Hanjouri, and Jaafar Al-Qadi. Settlers also destroyed a sheep barn and damaged a number of trees belonging to the family. Al-Hamamda in the ‘Fath Sidra’ area in Musafer Yatta, while others established a settlement outpost on the lands of the town of Bani Naim and erected large settlement arbors and wooden and tin dwellings in the Shaab al-Bahrain area in preparation for establishing a settlement outpost.

Bethlehem: Settlers burned agricultural lands in the Baniyas area in the town of Nahalin, about 10 dunums planted with olive and vine trees, belonging to the Zayed family, in addition to agricultural land belonging to the village of Husan, with an area of ??about 7 dunums, planted with olive, grape, and almond trees in the ‘Ain Qaddis’ area of ??the village. .

Ramallah: A number of set
tlers attacked the towns of Deir Dibwan and Beitin, and set fire to the vicinity of a number of homes. The settlers’ fires from the “Oz Etzion” settlers spread to vast areas of agricultural land and a vehicle lot in the village of Barqa in the northern and western regions, an area estimated at 500 dunams, where the fire destroyed dozens of perennial olive trees. They also raided the “Bir al-Marj” agricultural area, burned trees and attacked Citizens’ vehicles were stoned and intimidated on the bypass road leading to the northern entrance to the city of Al-Bireh, where 7 citizens were injured after settlers attacked them in the town of Deir Dibwan and were subsequently transferred to Deir Dibwan Medical Center.

Nablus: Six citizens, including a 15-year-old child, were injured with live bullets in the shoulder, three young men with live bullets, one of them in the pelvis, a young man with shrapnel from live bullets, and another with a stone in the hand, during confrontations that broke out with the occupation
forces and settlers in the village of Urif, and they were taken to the hospital. Two citizens were injured with hot pepper gas after settlers attacked them near the Masoudiya area. They were taken to the hospital to receive treatment. They are residents of the village of Burqa. Meanwhile, settlers attacked a bulldozer driver while he was working on constructing agricultural roads in the Arma area of ??the town, beat him, and then burned the bulldozer. In the town of Sebastia, the occupation forces destroyed a communications network, demolished a rest house belonging to Bilal Kayed, and closed an agricultural road linking the town to the plain area. In Furush Beit Dajan, the occupation bulldozer demolished a residential ‘caravan’ belonging to the citizen Hikmat Ahmed Abu Jaish, and an agricultural pond belonging to the citizen Khairy Abu Jaish, under the pretext that it was located in areas classified as ‘C,’ while dozens of settlers stormed the eastern area of ??Burin village and attacked a number of homes ne
ar Burin Industrial School, burned fields planted with olives and a vehicle belonging to the citizen Ali Odeh, and severely beat him, who was from the town of Huwwara, as he was passing by.

Tulkarm: A number of greenhouses and crops were burned by light bombs fired by the occupation forces north of Tulkarm. Farmer Ahmed Yaqoub said that the occupation forces stationed at the gate of the separation and apartheid wall, west of the Shweika suburb, fired a barrage of light bombs towards the agricultural area, causing fires in the greenhouses adjacent to the wall, which contain vegetable crops, which led to their complete burning. The fire destroyed all plastic, iron, nets, agricultural equipment, motors, water and sprinkler networks, and agricultural medicines, in addition to causing major damage around the area.

Salfit: Settlers attacked citizens’ lands in the village of Yasuf in the Haraiq Abd al-Razzaq area. They vandalized a water well and agricultural chains and closed an agricultural road. The occupation
forces also closed three main roads with dirt berms in Wadi al-Sukar, Wadi al-Ain, and Bab al-Naqab, and prevented citizens from crossing them and reaching their lands, which are estimated at 3,000 dunums in area. It delivered two notices to stop work in the southern area of ??the town of Deirblout for the town’s waste dump

The Jordan Valley: A citizen was injured and bruised when settlers attacked him in the Ras Ain Al-Auja area, while settlers stormed the Arab Al-Malihat community northwest of Jericho, and carried out searches and vandalism in three residences and demolished about 10 residential barracks and others used for raising livestock in the ‘Al-Marajat Al-Wusta’ lands, in a move targeting Seizing their lands. A number of citizens were also injured by settlers while they were traveling along the Al-Marajat Road, where a public passenger vehicle was attacked with stones, leading to a number of its passengers being injured. Settlers also attacked citizens’ homes in the Al-Jubiyah area in the northern
Jordan Valley and assaulted the residents. The citizen, Louay Ali Zuhdi Daraghmeh, was injured after being injured as a result of the settlers’ assault. He was transferred to the Ain Al-Bayda Emergency Center to receive treatment.

Source: Maan News Agency