Royal Speech, ‘Powerful’ Call to Build More Prosperous Region (US Expert)


The speech delivered on Saturday by His Majesty King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Sovereign’s accession to the Throne of His glorious ancestors is a “powerful” call to build a prosperous region, said US expert Calvin Dark.

“His Majesty sent a powerful message that today’s relationship between Morocco and Algeria is not what the peoples of both countries need and deserve to build a prosperous region tomorrow,” Dark told MAP.

“There are so many economic, political, and security benefits for the region that can’t be fully realized until the borders are opened and cooperation flows freely between the two countries,” said Dark, Principal and Co-founder of the RC Communications research center, based in Washington.

“This is critically important to overcome the security challenges facing the Maghreb and the Sahel today, because these threats know no borders, which means the countries in the region must work together more closely than ever before,” he pointed out.

Regarding the growing international support to Morocco’s legitimate rights and sovereignty over its Southern provinces, the US expert stressed that “there are very few global issues that garner such sustained and increasing support — which speaks volumes about Morocco’s commitment to all its citizens, including those who live in the southern provinces.”

“The fact that more and more nations are opening consulates in the southern provinces clearly demonstrates that the international support Morocco has earned goes far beyond diplomatic gestures,” he underlined.

“This growing trend is a wake up-call for Algeria and the polisario to come to the negotiating table so this needless conflict can finally and peacefully end,” the US expert pointed out.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse