Salfit Governorate records 327 Israeli violations during the month of September


Salfit – Ma’an – The Salfit Governorate issued its monthly report on Israeli violations against citizens and their property in the governorate, for the month of September of the current year 2024, in which it documented about 327 Israeli violations in all of its towns and villages.

Governor Kamil said: The policy of incursions, checkpoints, closures, raids on homes, and settler attacks has witnessed a noticeable escalation in the recent period in the governorate, and is considered a form of collective punishment. The governorate institution monitored 76 incursions, most notably the storming of schools in the village of Haris, obstructing the educational process, raiding 57 homes and facilities, and 15 settler attacks on citizens and their property. The occupation army controlled freedom of movement by setting up 36 temporary checkpoints.

He stated that the report also monitored 21 cases of closing the entrances to towns and villages with iron gates, under flimsy pretexts, and there are gates and entrances t
hat remain closed since the events of October 7 until today.

Kamil explained that the occupation army carried out about 78 detention and arrest operations against the governorate’s residents during the past month, and monitored 3 army attacks on citizens and their property, and confiscated 12 vehicles and public and private property under the pretext of working in areas classified as ‘C.’

The report monitored the bulldozing of citizens’ lands, as the occupation bulldozers bulldozed dozens of dunams of citizens’ lands in the town of Qaraweh Bani Hassan and various areas for the benefit of settlement, and uprooted and broke 112 olive trees in Kafr al-Dik and Deir Istiya.

Kamil pointed out that the report documented notices to stop work and construction in Deir Ballut, Al-Zawiya and Rafat, where 27 notices were delivered to homes and agricultural lands not to reclaim them and work on them, and the demolition of 3 homes under construction in Al-Zawiya and Deir Ballut.

As for the destruction and theft of citiz
ens’ property, there were about 5 acts of sabotage, which included burning and vandalizing property, chasing shepherds, throwing stones at vehicles, and others.

The Governor of Salfit noted that the report recorded the injury of a boy in the town of Qaraweh Bani Hassan by the bullets of the occupation soldiers after storming the town.

Kamil added that the violations committed by the occupation army and its settlers in the Salfit Governorate reveal the true intentions of the occupation government, which is thirsty for terrorism and aims to erase the Palestinian presence and displace them from their land, and impose a policy of de facto to end the Palestinian dream of establishing an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Maan News Agency