Sánchez Sees in Co-Hosting 2030 World Cup a Concrete Example of Excellent Morocco-Spain Ties


Rabat – Co-hosting the 2030 Football World Cup is a concrete example of the excellent Moroccan-Spanish relations and the mutual determination to advance the bilateral Roadmap adopted in 2022, Spanish Government President Pedro Sánchez said in Rabat on Wednesday.

“Hosting the World Cup is undoubtedly an extraordinary challenge, but above all an opportunity to further strengthen the foundations of friendship between Morocco, Spain and Portugal,” he told a press conference held at the end of his working visit to the Kingdom.

This global sporting event will enable the organizing countries to “convey, to the whole world, a very positive message of collaboration, good organization and fraternity,” he pointed out.

In this respect, the Spanish top official underlined the importance of holding a forum bringing together Moroccan and Spanish companies, “to explore cooperation and investment opportunities with a view to bringing this exciting project to fruition,” particularly in terms of infrastructure.

“The 2030 Wo
rld Cup will be the crowning achievement of the extraordinary collaboration and cooperation between our two countries,” further noted Sánchez, who is starting a new term at the head of the Spanish executive.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse