Second National Forum for Human Rights Kicks Off


The 2nd national forum for human rights kicked off on Tuesday in Doha under the theme of Human rights of persons with disabilities, protection, and empowerment.

Organized by the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development and Family, the forum aims to provide a national dialogue platform to share knowledge and expertise, in addition to building capacities, reviewing legislations, policies, plans and programs relevant to rights of persons with disabilities in Qatar, as well as promoting their integration into the community like other social segments.

HE the Chairperson NHRC Maryam bint Abdullah Al Attiya said the forum is one of the most importance concerns of human rights in the Qatari community after the recognition of the importance of reviewing the national efforts related to respect, protection, and realization of the rights of this social segment, along with the need to enable them to live independently and integrate into the community.

In her remarks before the inaugural session of the forum, Al Attiya added that the theme of the forum, nature, and responsibility of the participating entities from the state institutions, stakeholders, quality of participants and their scientific and practical expertise, represent an added value for Qatar to attain an objective appraisal from human rights perspective concerning disability in the State of Qatar.

This is in addition to exploring achievements and challenges and thinking about innovative solutions and applicable good practices to implement the provisions of the Qatari constitution and regional and international human rights conventions which Qatar has committed to respecting, protecting, and upholding them.

Chairperson of NHRC underlined the importance of highlighting some good practices endorsed by Qatar in protecting human rights of persons with disabilities, including the issuance of Doha Declaration on disability and development in 2019 to promote rights of persons with disabilities worldwide which is considered a referential framework to integrate persons with disabilities into the sustainable development plans for 2023.

She outlined that law No. 2 of 2004 on persons with special needs – that was enacted ahead of ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – remains the regulator for protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. She added that NHRC presented its perspectives in 2015 to be harmonized with the provisions of the aforementioned convention.

These perspectives, she said, were the human rights response to the challenges NHRC was receiving in complaints from persons with disabilities, pointing out that the harmonization of this law is a national pressing need to protect a set of rights set forth in the international convention, especially in light of a multitude of challenges the world is witnessing, such as natural disasters, climate crisis and impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) resulting in precarious situations that might pose a threat to the human dignity of persons with disabilities.

HE Maryam bint Abdullah Al Attiya lauded the engagement of persons with disabilities and their relevant organizations in the forums activities, outlining that their participation contributes to providing an overarching vision and innovative solutions, since they are fundamental stakeholders, as well as the participation of partners in the private sector, various UN bodies, in addition to their efforts in nurturing the forum’s sessions with their constructive discussions paving the way to set a national roadmap on disability to ensure better and sustainable future for persons with disabilities in Qatar.

HE Assistant Undersecretary for Family Affairs at the Ministry of Social Development and Family Sheikha Sheikha bint Jassim Al-Thani said all people acknowledge that persons with disabilities deserve equal rights and proportionate opportunities with the remaining segments of the community, however, such an end requires joint commitment and effort to attain the most premium objectives.

Therefore, she said, the forum is being convened at a time when people need to share expertise and experiences, in addition to setting solutions to counter the challenges facing persons with disabilities.

Addressing the inaugural session of the forum, she outlined that the Ministry of Social Development and Family has given top priority to persons with disabilities and sought to provide high-quality services and programs for this segment and secure their participation in all facets of comprehensive development in recognition of the integrational role of persons with disabilities in advancing the community and building the future.

HE Assistant Undersecretary for Family Affairs pointed out that the forum is a vindication of Qatar’s regional and global commitment to the rights of persons with disabilities, adding that Qatar has made groundbreaking achievements in this field, whether at the legislative or executive levels and backed the efforts of the regional and international community to support persons with disabilities.

One of the most prominent efforts Qatar has made was the convention of the 42nd Meeting of Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs during which critical initiatives were launched, such as Arab Decade for persons with disabilities 2023-2032 and Arab classification of persons with disability, she said.

She pointed to the efforts Qatar is making to host the celebration of the Day of Persons with Disabilities next December, and the 2nd edition of the Independent Living for persons with Disabilities in the fourth quarter of 2023, in addition to the fourth Global Disability Summit in 2028. (MORE)

Source: Qatar News Agency