Settlers vandalize an agricultural room and steal agricultural equipment in Kafr al-Dik


Salfit – Together – Settlers vandalized an agricultural room, and stole a tank for storing water and agricultural equipment belonging to the citizen Safi Abdel Majeed Ali Ahmed from the town of Kafr al-Dik, west of Salfit.

Citizen Safi said: We were surprised by the vandalism carried out by the settlers of the ‘Brukhin’ settlement of the agricultural room, located in the Dahr Sobh area north of the town, smashing windows, stealing agricultural equipment, writing the Israeli Star of David on the walls, and burning the furniture in it.

Safi pointed out that the room consists of two floors with an area of ??140 square meters. We built it in 1983. We used it for housing, and we are constantly exposed to attacks by settlers who aim to displace us from our lands. Despite this, we will remain steadfast in it.

It is noteworthy that the Zohr Sobh area is constantly exposed to settler attacks, including persecution of citizens and destruction of their property, with the aim of controlling the largest area of ??land.

Source: Maan News Agency