Silicon Valley ProjectDemolition, Confiscation, and Cutting Off Livelihoods


Jerusalem – Ma’an Report – In the first practical steps to implement the “Silicon Valley” settlement project, on the ruins of the “industrial zone” in the Wadi al-Joz neighborhood in Jerusalem, the occupation forces carried out the demolition of 4 facilities in the neighborhood, while dozens of industrial facilities in the area are in danger.

The municipality crews, accompanied by special forces and police, stormed the industrial area in Wadi al-Joz in the early hours of Tuesday morning, closed the main street in the area, then proceeded to storm a house and 3 shops (a garage, shops selling auto parts) and carried out the demolition without prior warning, and threatened to return soon to carry out similar demolition operations.

The owners of the establishments explained that the demolition process was carried out without prior warning, and that there are courts in September, and that the demolition process was carried out suddenly, and that the owners of the shops were prevented from reaching them, and some
were assaulted and pushed.

Bassam Taha, owner of one of the shops that was demolished, said’Some of the shops in the industrial zone existed before the occupation, and today the demolition of one of these shops, whose walls and fences indicate the age of its construction, was carried out.’ He added’Hundreds of families live off the industrial zone, and more than 200 facilities are threatened with demolition for the ‘Silicon Valley’ project, which will be built on the ruins of these shops.’

The occupation authorities are planning to establish the ‘Silicon Valley’ project on 30 dunams of land in the industrial zone, which includeshigh-tech companies, hotels, commercial complexes, large streets, a technical college specializing in technology and green spaces. At the beginning of this year, the occupation municipality announced its approval of the project.

Taha said’After the occupation of Jerusalem, years later, there was talk about different plans in the industrial zone, all of which aimed to demolish it and
move it outside the Wadi al-Joz area. In 2020, the owners of the facilities and lands were surprised by the occupation municipality’s plan to establish a project called ‘Silicon Valley’ in the place, along a huge street that includes ‘various industrial, commercial, and residential facilities’ that have been in existence for years,’ some of which date back to before 1967.

Musa Bazbaz, one of the owners of the garages that were demolished, said’The police stormed the garage two days ago and informed me verbally of a decision to demolish the garage’s roof (a zinc roof) under the pretext of not having a permit. I asked them for a ‘demolition decision from the municipality’ so that I could go to the lawyer to investigate the matter, but they refused and withdrew from the place.’

He added”Today, they stormed the site, broke the lock, and then began the demolition process, noting that the roof has been in place for 30 years.”

Today’s demolition is a prelude to similar demolitions of the only industrial zone in E
ast Jerusalem, and the confiscation of land to implement a project. This project is being promoted as “a project that aims to provide job opportunities for Jerusalemites and to bridge the gaps between East and West Jerusalem,” but the owners of the land and facilities confirm their rejection of this settlement project that robs the land and livelihood.

The project is inspired by Silicon Valley in the United States, and is part of a five-year government initiative worth 2.1 billion shekels, which the occupation municipality announced in June 2020, and began delivering and distributing warnings and demolition and confiscation notices, and their owners began a struggle in the Israeli courts, and despite the objections submitted not being decided, the project was approved at the beginning of this year.

SourceMaan News Agency