Social State: CESE Chairman Recommends four Axes for Success of Moroccan Model


Chairman of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Ahmed Reda Chami, advocated four fundamental axes for building the Moroccan model for a successful social state, which reflects its history, culture, values and resources.

Speaking at the opening of the 6th Morocco Today Forum, organized by the Le Matin group under the patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, Chami emphasized that it is first and foremost a question of setting priorities for the social state model, through placing the citizen at its heart.

This requires reducing social exclusion, poverty and inequality, strengthening the resilience of citizens in the face of setbacks, establishing a stable social climate between the social partners, and moving as close as possible to full employment to ensure the financial viability of the model, he explained at the forum held under the theme “Vision of a King: the social state – on the road to completing an inclusive Morocco”.

The CESE president went on to say that the second priority is to establish evaluation criteria associated with these priorities, which would form part of an independent evaluation process. The third is to ensure convergence between public policies falling within the scope of the social state, and to reduce the counterproductive multiplicity of programs and players.

The last point, said Chami, concerns financial resources, which are one of the most difficult conditions to meet, “given the scale of the ambitions announced, and the limited nature of the resources available”.

He concluded that building a welfare state is a shared responsibility between the government, institutions, the private sector, citizens, the media and all the driving forces of the Nation.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse