Statistics: 4.4 million mobile phone subscribers and 383 thousand landlines during the past year


Jerusalem – Ma’an – Official data indicated that the total number of main telephone lines operating in Palestine was approximately 383.7 thousand lines at the end of last year.

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics stated that the monthly average number of local telephone calls in Palestine amounted to 13.3 million calls, distributed as follows: 88.6 percent in the West Bank and 11.4 percent in the Gaza Strip.

He added that with regard to Palestinian mobile phones, at the end of the year the number of subscribers reached 4.4 million subscribers using the prepaid (card) system and the invoice system.

According to the statement, the number of subscribers to the Internet service via fast communication lines reached about 384 thousand, including 278.9 thousand lines in the West Bank and about 105.3 thousand lines in the Gaza Strip by the end of 2023.

Source: Maan News Agency