Strikes in Transport Sector in Germany Force Millions to Seek Alternatives


Airports, train stations and bus stops across Germany are set to remain largely empty on Monday, as widespread strikes in the transport sector force millions of travellers to seek alternatives.

The day-long walkout, the effects of which are far-reaching even by German standards of strike action, are some of the biggest since the 1990s and impact railways, air traffic, buses and waterways all over the country.

The strikes, which are set to last 24 hours from midnight on Monday morning, are shutting down all long-distance rail routes and most regional trains, while almost all German airports are on strike, with Berlin’s airport being a notable exception, according to German (dpa) news agency.

Union activists, like strikers in many European countries hit by high levels of inflation amid rapidly rising energy prices, are pushing for higher wages in the transport sector.

Verdi and dbb representatives are set to meet again with local officials on Monday for a third round of negotiations.

Both sides are thought to be still far apart, but an agreement in the following days is not being ruled out. (QNA)

Source: Qatar News Agency