Syria, Mauritania discuss cooperation in the field of investment and trade exchangeHEAD: SIDE EVENTS TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN CSW 68 NEW-YORK UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTER


Damascus, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Damascus Chamber of Industry and its Countryside, Muhammad Ghazwan al-Masri, discussed with a Mauritanian economic delegation headed by the Chargé d’affaires of the Mauritanian Embassy in Damascus, Mohamed Sheikh Samba Bay, cooperation in various fields, and trade exchange between the two countries.

Talks during the meeting dealt with the exchange of invitations to participate in exhibitions held in both countries and the need to activate mutual visits between economic delegations to achieve a common vision to activate cooperation in the economy and investment sectors.

Al-Masri underlined the need for cooperation and coordination in industrial fields in all sectors, especially the pharmaceutical sector, in addition to the possibility of benefiting from agricultural projects and agricultural manufacturing.

For his part, Samba Bay expressed his country’s desire to develop cooperation between the two countries and resume the work of previously signed agreeme
nts, underlying the need to exchange experiences in various fields in the best interest of the two countries.

The Mauritanian diplomat underlined the importance of the meeting in order to convey an image about the reality of industries in Syria to Mauritanian businessmen.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

In parallel to the 68th session of CSW, the Arab Women Organization held three side events with Arab states and many européen states and UN agencées, with a remarquable présence of Eng.Marie Thérèse Merhej Seif, president of HEAD, an international non governmental organization aiming at the protection of environment .

The first side event was led by Lebanon with AWO and UNWomen. High representatives of Egypt, Germany, Jordan, Spain, Sweden and Oman participated to the panel on Care economy and the importance of fair sharing of domestic unpaid work between women and men in order to consolidate gender justice and family ties.

DG of AWO undersigned the importance of tackeling the roots of stereotypes in social roles between men and women in education, culture and the media to help reshaping and improving the relation between men and women to strengthen the family and consolidate social cohesion and stability.

The side event on ‘ mechanisms of enforcement and consolidation of the International and national leg
islation to protect women and girls in times of war and armed conflicts.

Led by Libya in partnership of AWO, this panel welcomed Ministers from Arab States, Dr Houria Tourmal from Libya, Dr Awatef Hayyar from Morocco, Dr Amale Hamad from Palestine, Dr Kawthar Kriko from Algeria, former ministers Maha Ali from Jordan and fmWafa Hamze from Lebanon. Mr Cherian Matthiews from Help Age international joined the panel also. Dr Marie Thérèse Merhej Seif was among the senior representatives of International non governmental organizations participating to the discussion.

In the opening of the side event, Dr Fadia Kiwan DG of AWO, starting her speech said…’ we are meeting alone, we, the victims of wars and armed conflicts …they left us alone… not because they are guilty, but because they are embarassed.. they don’t know what to say to us…decades and de ades of open collaboration with UN Agencies, trying to comply to the UN agenda, and we couldn’t even get a ceasefire in Gaza….

She ended her opening remarks by saying:
we are not here to complain or to cry, but to share opinions with people from the world who love peace, to find the best mechanisms of enforcement of the International legitimacy… and despite all obstacles, we Arabs, seek peace, based on justice and protection of the International legitimacy starting with the application of SC resolutions…

The third event was led by Morocco in participation of UNFPA, AWO; the Spanishl Agency for international cooperation and representatives of South Korea and Hungaria.

DG of AWO, Fadia Kiwan, focalised her speech on empowerment of women as drivers of change and sustainable development. She underligned the importance of the linkages between Goal one- stop poverty- Goal two – stop hunger- and Goal 5 related to Women. None of these Sustainable Development goals could be reached separately.

Eng.Marie Thérèse Merhej Seif attended actively this side event, representing the international non governmental Organization HEAD.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon