Syrian, Venezuelan talks on strengthening relations in higher education and scientific research


Damascus, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Bassam Ibrahim, met today the Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Damascus, Jose Gregorio Biomorgi Muzattiz and the accompanying delegation.

The two sides reviewed the ways to develop ties of scientific and cultural cooperation, through agreements for the exchange of scholarships, exchange of visits by professors and students, and carrying out joint scientific and cultural activities.

Ibrahim highlighted the importance of concluding academic agreements in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and establishing scientific and research relations between universities and institutions in both countries.

For his part, the ambassador expressed interest in renewing the scientific cooperation agreement and working for a scientific agreement project between the University of Damascus and the Venezuelan Research Institute in the fields of health, agriculture and industry.

Venezuela and Syria are united by solid re
lations throughout history and joint agreements in all fields, he added.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency