Tarascon Rulling Confirms ‘Indisputable Legality’ of Morocco’s Agreements with International Partners – Gambian Media


Tarascon Court’s ruling condemning the Confédération Paysanne, a French trade union organization involved in the judicial harassment of the agricultural agreement between Morocco and the European Union (EU), confirms the “indisputable legality” of the agreements concluded between Morocco and its international partners, writes Gambian newspaper ‘Voice Gambia’.

The outlet points out that this ruling confirms the position that Morocco has always expressed regarding the indisputable legality of agreements concluded with its international partners, and the need to ensure their legal certainty.

The Tarascon court’s condemnation of the Confédération Paysanne is in fact a “new defeat for those hostile to Morocco,” it asserts, noting that this organization has repeatedly demonstrated its hostility and dogmatic alignment with the theses of the “Polisario”.

A few weeks after the setback inflicted by the London High Court, the Tarascon Court (France), in turn, handed down a judicial decision on June 14 in which it condemned the Confédération Paysanne, a French farmers’ union known for its alignment with the “polisario” theses, and which aimed to prohibit the French company specializing in the marketing of fruit and vegetables from Morocco, including the Southern Provinces, “IDYL”, from distributing its products, explains the same source.

“The Court’s decision totally disavowed the Confédération Paysanne on all counts, finding in favor of the “IDYL” company, reports the Gambian media, noting that the latter successfully argued during the trial that the legal action brought in the name of the Confédération Paysanne is in fact only the action of a minority that is not representative of the organization, and that in any case it has no standing to sue.”

By attacking the agricultural agreement, the newspaper adds, this organization has not sought to assert any alleged rights, but simply to exploit, for pure opportunism, an artificial polemic provoked by the “Polisario.”

The same source reaffirms that this judicial ruling “only confirms the truth and confirms Morocco in its right, and proves once again the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Morocco’s action in its southern provinces, as well as the conformity of the exploitation of natural resources with international law.”

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse