The President receives representatives of a number of villages and towns that were damaged as a result of settler attacks


Ramallah – Ma’an – The President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, received, this evening, Saturday, representatives of a number of Palestinian villages and towns that were damaged as a result of attacks by settlers and Israeli occupation forces, in the Ramallah, Al-Bireh and Nablus governorates.

The President heard from the people about the crimes they were subjected to at the hands of terrorist settlers with the support and protection of the Israeli occupation forces, and the attacks on their property, stressing their adherence and steadfastness to their land, regardless of the difficulties.

In turn, the President praised the steadfastness of citizens on their land despite all the crimes they are exposed to, stressing that our Palestinian people will remain committed to their land, identity and cause, regardless of the sacrifices.

The President stressed that the issue of confronting the crimes of settlers against our people, our land, and our sanctities is a top priority for the Palestinian leade
rship, and that the issue of preventing settler terrorism, stopping their crimes, and holding them accountable is being raised with all regional and international parties, and there are instructions to all embassies of the State of Palestine around the world to raise this issue and convey the suffering of the people of Palestine. Our people to all international institutions and organizations, and to the governments in them.

The President directed his instructions to the government and all relevant competent authorities to work immediately to provide everything necessary to support the steadfastness of Palestinian citizens on their land in the face of these terrorist crimes committed by these settlers, stressing that our only option is to stand firm and remain on our land, praising the peaceful popular resistance that we witnessed. These villages are facing terrorism and extremism represented by settlers.

Source: Maan News Agency